Cocomotion School of Yoga
200 RYT Yoga Teacher Training January 2025
Instructed by:
Coco Teodoro & Jane Irvine
The role of the instructor is to offer the complete experience, mind, body, spirit as a guide for the seeker. The instructor should be knowledgeable, sincere, confident, and trustworthy. Above all there is an incredible flow of energy between yourself and the people you move, not necessarily within the movement itself, but in the rhythm and heartbeat of the instruction. The teacher breathes and flows as the waves in the room move. The breath, the connection is the flow. As humans, we should all become the teacher. We breathe to learn and discover ourselves. From those depths of knowledge, we teach, share, guide. The yoga studio isn’t the only setting for teaching. Whether or not you ever teach a formal class isn’t the question.
The question is: How will you express your passion to pass this powerful practice forward?
During our training we will dive into the philosophy of the movement, yoga and the art of sequencing. Our school is a creative atmosphere to inspire your practice, to build mentoring relationships, and to experience
yoga, body, mind and soul.
Do YOU exist to move people?
You will be led through our training by the most passionate individuals who believe and live a lifestyle that represents this as practice for life, that love is a state of existence and that movement is medicine.
We will share the principles and origin of our signature movement, COCO flow
Meditation will be a large focus on the journey toward sadhana (self discovery).
We pride ourselves on our in-depth understanding of intelligent and creative sequencing and how to trust yourself to structure your own classes.
You will learn and gain practical, hands on experience so that you can leave confident in your own voice, body of knowledge and skill set to prepare you to teach both group and private classes (should you choose).
We encourage a strong home practice to compliment the training to experience the yoga from within rather than only the pages of a book.
We adhere strictly to the Yoga Alliance (YA) standards and exceed the amount of contact hours that are required by the YA.
At the end of our program, you will be able to register as a Registered Yoga Teacher-200 with the Yoga Alliance.
The History of Yoga
The Eight Limb Path
A thorough exploration of the Asana (Posture) Practice, including their sanskrit names, proper alignment, energetic properties, modifications, contraindications and benefits
Anatomy Study
Human Energy Systems
Extensive study of creative and cohesive sequencing
Unique, Safe and effective hands-on adjustments
Experience with the power and authenticity of your voice
Pranayama (Breathing Practice)
Restorative Yoga
Practical Teaching Experience
Karma / Community Yoga
The Business of Yoga
Expect a deep Immersion into the study of the self, a reflection on the practice, a practice for Life.
Full Tuition : $2,600
100 Hour Continued Education INVESTMENT
Full Tuition : $1,200
Personalized Payment Plan: Individualized to fit your budget